We are now accepting orders for green (viable) seeds.
Please email us in August to reserve seeds that will be available for pickup in September.
The cost of the green seeds is $5/lbs, shipping (if needed) is extra.
We accept payment in cash and by e-transfer.

Image Credit:
The Brown Family who are rehabilitating Manoomin in Georgian Bay.
This is an image of Manoomin in the submerged leaf stage. When planting Manoomin it is important to check-in on the seeds frequently in mid-May to June to see whether the seeds have germinated or not. There are lots of animals and birds that love to eat Manoomin, so if you don't keep a close eye on the area where you planted you may miss seeing it start to grow (because it gets eaten by critters before you see it!).
I would like to try and propogate if you have any seeds left. I've been looking for a connection to wild seed for a while and just found this site.